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About CareConvene

We make breakthrough products that change the way healthcare is delivered.

CareConvene is the most comprehensive care coordination platform on the market that is specifically designed to proactively improve health outcomes.

Our Vision

We aspire to engage and empower patients through health information and digital and traditional communication to better understand and act on their health needs. Focused on improving both personal and population health, we aim to improve health outcomes and decrease costs in interoperability through building strong and dynamic digital bonds between care teams and their patients.

Our Mission

To create and deploy virtual health platforms that remove health care communication barriers and allow care teams and their patients to seamlessly and actively collaborate in optimal care using secure digital tools.

Our Values

Our values reflect our commitment to a new era of virtual health, where care teams and their patients work together in confidence as a team through secure digital platforms.


We are honest and respectful. Integrity is the foundation on which our relationships are built and strengthened. We place the highest priority on confidentiality and information privacy.


We are committed to the power of technology to break down barriers to diversity, equity, and inclusion in healthcare and seek like-minded team members and partners to help us achieve health equity.


We eschew fads or gimmicks and prioritize technology that builds and empowers relationships and moves healthcare delivery to its ideal state.


We have a can-do viewpoint. Our optimism helps us find value and opportunity in personal interactions, technology, and partnerships.

Board Members

Chris Bailey

Co-founder, CareConvene

Todd Bailey


Tim Pletcher

President and CEO, Velatura & MiHIN

Optimizing Real-Time Healthcare Solutions

CareConvene connects you and your patient like never before.