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Our Products

Real-time communication leads to real-time outcomes.

We Are Your Partner in Delivering Real-Time Digital Care

CareConvene’s clinician-centered design empowers your team to better coordinate safe, effective care while aiding workflows that support risk-based measures. This is through one all-inclusive platform, accessible by the entire care team.

Patient & Care Team Collaboration

(Advanced Telehealth)

Telehealth connects patients to care teams through on-demand visits, scheduled visits, text-a-visits, and app-enabled patient-initiated virtual visits.

  • Enable frictionless two-way communication, collaboration, and direct access - removing transportation barriers or concerns
  • Help your most vulnerable patients understand their health
  • Provide in-depth training for care teams to help patients engage in programs to help achieve health goals
  • Quickly identify patients needing to be prioritized    
  • Manage chronic conditions and overall health in a few clicks or less

Care Coordination

(Admission, Discharge, Transfer Notifications)

Find your patients in seconds. Fast and easy ADT filtering allows you to spend more time with your patients and less time searching for them.

  • Our Care Coordination – Transition of Care product supports better health by ensuring that transitions of the care lifecycle are seamless, in the moment, and easily understood
  • Patients can be quickly identified and prioritized so you can help manage the next steps in their care

We provide:

  • Admissions, Discharge, Transfer (ADT) Delivery (App & Web)
  • Consolidated Clinical Document Architecture (CCDA) viewer and CCDA discharge summary
  • Advanced and Customized Filters  
  • Access to Discharge Summary and Medications
  • SME training through provider practice optimization education that assesses resource structures, licensure, and clinical workflow

Outreach Campaigns

(Patient Engagement)

SMS/Email-delivered clinical assessments, screenings, and surveys

  • Outreach Campaigns stay on top of timely care reminders that engage your patients in proactively managing their health
  • Address your patient's literacy through educational materials and access without additional cost or technology burdens. Your patients will better understand their role, why action is needed, and how to get care
  • Make your patients feel good about their health and the care they receive, by checking in with regular patient surveys

Consumer Health API

In one easy step, your patients can connect their health insurance and medical data to CareConvene. This provides you with the most informed view of your patient's overall health to best guide care decisions.

  • Fully compliant with the CMS Interoperability and Patient Access Rule
  • Connects medical records in ONE place with the insurance history
  • Strengthens the patient-provider relationship for in-the-moment visits and education
  • Breaks down silos to improve outcomes
  • Be part of the long-term solution to increase access to care anywhere, while providing an understanding of care

CareConvene technology allows providers, payers, and patients access to ONE digital health platform.

The results? Better health management = increased access and engagement, convenience, and time saved. All with minimal technical requirements and platform fees.

In-The-Moment Care Coordination


Important Assessments

Direct Access to Care