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One Platform, Countless Uses

We offer more ways to engage your patients than ever before.

Redefining Digital Consumer Health

We believe healthcare should be about achieving one’s full potential as an informed and empowered individual. Everyone should have the basics - health literacy, easy access to care, and tools that provide health recommendations. As a result, digital health interactions will become personal with a shared understanding of the patient’s goals. The CareConvene digital platform offers fully vertical solutions to help consumers and clinical teams build strong collaborative partnerships by balancing accessibility, convenience, optionality, and affordability.

Building a Digital Healthcare Ecosystem

Building a Digital Healthcare Ecosystem

Patient & Care Team Collaboration
(Advanced Telehealth)

Our telehealth interactions connect patients to care teams through on-demand or scheduled visits. (Interactions can be patient-initiated or care team-initiated.)

Consumer Health API

Consolidated Personal Health Record with integrations to multiple payers and data aggregators.

Care Coordination
(Admission, Discharge, Transfer Notifications)

Care teams receive hospital and ED discharge notifications (ADT) and unique patient monitoring alerts within a simple filtered interface. Other advanced features include Discharge Summaries and Medications.

Outreach Campaigns
(Patient Engagement)

Deliver clinical assessments, screenings, and surveys via secure text and email. Collect important discrete information such as HEDIS reporting, behavioral health screenings, social determinants of health, chronic conditions, post-discharge follow-up, and more.

Building Strong Partnerships

CareConvene is a comprehensive digital platform that connects care teams and their patients on-demand anywhere, removing barriers to effective communication and engagement. See who we serve.

Our technology allows providers, payers, and patients access to ONE digital health platform

In-the-Moment Care and Coordination

Patient Engagement

Symptom Management and Reporting

No start-up costs, no restrictive contracts, and minimal technical requirements. See our products.

“When COVI9-19 forever changed our care model, CareConvene provided immediate value for our providers and patients. Onboarding was seamless and it quickly enabled our providers across multiple practices to pivot to online visits, while maintaining the same levels of patient care and trust.”

Tom Kurtz, Ph.D.

Vice President & CIO, Memorial Healthcare

“Now more than ever, clear communications are key to providing the most successful patient outcomes. CareConvene offers a complete platform that arms our Care Managers with critically important patient ADTs (Admit, Discharge & Transfer) notifications. This allows a virtual visit option post-discharge in a matter of clicks, ensuring that follow-up care goals are implemented and met."

Carolyn Rada, Vice President of Operations, & Sharon Kraydich, Director of Quality & Utilization,

The Physician Alliance

Trusted By Health Organizations

Invest in the right digital health technology for better patient outcomes

We provide the flexibility to help you and your team adapt to the future of digital healthcare.